kontakt@steuerberater-oehler.de    |    +49 (0)89/ 790869-0

Frau am Schreibtisch mit Telefon am Ohr

Audit and assur­ance services

Audit and Assurance Services: For us, Audit and Assurance is not only about verifying the compliance of your accounting system. Instead, our objective is to identify any deficiencies within your internal control system, accounting system, organisation or other sectors. We want to support to optimise your processes and structures and to create additional value for your company. Alongside the audit of annual company accounts and group financial statements we also perform voluntary or optional special audits.

Our services at a glance

  • voluntary and legally required year-end audits of annual company accounts and group financial statements in accordance with HGB (German accounting law) or IFRS
  • Reporting Package Audits
  • Audit of Leasing Companies as per German Banking and Lending Law
  • Review according to IDW PS 900
  • Audit of foundations according to
    IDW PS 740
  • Special audits in accordance with German AktG, GmbHG, UmwG laws (companies act, company law on limited liability companies, law regulating company conversions; aspects covered include establishment, conversion, fictitious investments, capital changes)
  • Company valuation
  • DSD and Interseroh audits (Germany’s dual waste management system, ‘green dot’ fit-for-recycling certification)


Dr. Oehler Tax Consultancy
Geiselgasteigstr. 120
81545 Munich
Phone: +49 (0)89/ 790869-0
Fax: +49 (0)89/ 790869-69
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