kontakt@steuerberater-oehler.de    |    +49 (0)89/ 790869-0

Inter­national Network

Regionally connected and internationally networked

We feel connected with our location in Munich and engage in regional partnerships. Due to our membership in 3E Accounting International we are able to provide the full range of our comprehensive advisory services at an international level. 3E Accounting is an international accounting network for experienced accounting agencies to offer high quality accounting services on both local and international fronts. The members of 3E global accounting network are instructed to maintain effective and efficient work standards combined with punctuality and reliability at the same time. 156 Offices from around the world currently belong to 3E Accounting International, represented by over 1.800 professional staff in 113 countries.


Dr. Oehler Tax Consultancy
Geiselgasteigstr. 120
81545 Munich
Phone: +49 (0)89/ 790869-0
Fax: +49 (0)89/ 790869-69
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